Transforming the world through friendship with Christ.
ECYD is an international Catholic association of adolescents who make a pledge of friendship with Christ and with each other to build up a new world according to the Gospel. (ECYD Statutes #1)
Don't miss an event!
Join our communication lists!
Contact: Fr Jerek Scherber, LC 416-470-0079
Upcoming Events

Girls Winter Camp (grades 5-8)
January 17-19
Mount Mary Retreat Centre, Ancaster
A Royal Invitation--A Princess' Guide to Living in Christ
recap from our last year
Boys Winter Camp (grades 5-8)
January 31-February 2
Mount Mary Retreat Centre, Ancaster
(Theme not yet decided, but it will be StarWars-y)
recap from last year (note there is a change in location this year)
High School Girls Retreat
February 21-23
Mount Mary Retreat Centre, Ancaster
(Theme not yet decided, but it will be awesome!)
recap from last year

Recap Videos
Boys High School Retreat, Oct 4-6
Boys Fall Camp
grades 5-8, Oct 25-27
Girls Fall Camp
grades 5-8, Nov 8-10
Conquest/Challenge clubs

Conquest (boys) and Challenge (girls) are Official ECYD Programs. Our Catholic Curriculum fosters a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and forms adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture.
We have 6 Conquest and 6 Challenge clubs in the GTA. Find the club nearest to you!
(This section being tweaked as we get ready to begin the year. Some info may not be up-to-date, and some links may not work)
Challenge Milton
(grade 1-12)
President:Elizabeth Noronha
Contact: challengeinmilton@gmail.com
Venue and time: Queen of Heaven Catholic Elementary School, Every Friday 7-9pm
Conquest Milton
President: Brendan Joseph
Contact: conquestinmilton@gmail.com
Venue and time: St Peter Catholic Elementary School, Every Friday 7-9pm
St Michael's
(grades 5-8)
Challenge presidents: Anarella Barios and Alexandra Oyarzabal
contact: challengeoakville@gmail.com
Conquest president: Alex Volkel
contact: conquestoakville@gmail.com
venue and time: St Michael's Catholic School, every Friday 6:30-8:30
Mary Mother of God
(grades 5-8)
Conquest and Challange president: Susan Cloutier, ph# 905-599-3012
Contact: conquestandchallengemmog@gmail.com
Venue and time: St Andrew Catholic School, alternating Fridays from 6:30-8pm
St Dominic's
(grades 2-6)
Conquest and Challenge presidents: Michael Aguiar and Ale Briones
contact: oakvillejuniorclub@gmail.com
venue and time: St Dominic's Catholic School, alternating Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00
Conquest and Challenge Halton Hills
(grades 1-12)
Challenge president: Michelle Medeiros 416-910-7040
Conquest president: Paul Medeiros 416-910-7339
contact: Conquest.challenge.hh@gmail.com
Instagram: @conquestchallengehh
venue and time: Catherine of Alexandria Elementary School, Friday 6:30-8:30
Stoney Creek
Our Lady of the Assumption (OLOTA) Conquest & Challenge
(grades 5-10)
President: Rain Tolentino
contact: olotachallengeconquest@gmail.com
venue and time: St Paul Elementary School, Stoney Creek, Wednesdays 6:15-8:15